h o b b s . z o n e

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About Henry

Hey! Thanks for visiting my very cool and good website. I'm a full-stack developer in Raleigh, NC. I'm passionate about learning, coding, road tripping, computers, my wife, my cats, and anything else that manages to capture my very limited attention span.

I started coding in middle school when I got my TI-84 calculator and found out I could write BASIC programs with it. I went on to study computer science at NCSU, and I've been working as a software engineer since graduating in 2019. The bulk of my experience is with C#, React, and SQL, but I'm always experimenting with new technologies.

About This Site

I created this website to learn Tailwind CSS, and to finally establish my own corner of the internet. I wanted a place to organize my little projects, and to motivate me to keep creating them. There aren't many at the moment, but I hope to have more to explore here soon.

This site is containerized and proudly self-hosted on an old Intel NUC. Along with my other sites, it sits behind a reverse proxy running on a raspberry pi, and is served over HTTPS with a Let's Encrypt certificate. The source code is available on my Gitea instance. I eventually plan to host everything on a kubernetes cluster composed of several NUCs.


If you'd like to get in touch, you can reach me at henry@hobbs.zone.


You can view my resume here.